Step into a world where digital dependency has crumbled. This project envisions a resurgence of human-centric collaboration. It showcases the tools, spaces, and social rituals that emerge when communities must rebuild trust and effectiveness, free from the grip of failing AI. This is a powerful reflection on resilience and adaptation.
In this imagined future, sleek high-rises stand partially empty, their smart systems flickering erratically. Graffiti, once a marginalized art form, has become a primary mode of public communication, providing a decentralized method of exchanging information. Communities huddle in repurposed spaces, redesigned for face-to-face interaction. The vibrant culture of Sao Tome and Principe, once overshadowed by technology, is now flourishing.
This reveals an urgent need to re-evaluate our dependency on AI. It highlights the hidden fragility of complex systems. Consider the long-term consequences of unchecked technological integration. Ask yourself: What skills and infrastructures are truly essential for a resilient society? What are we loosing?
Ntombi, inspired by virtual realities, street art, and ecosystems, meticulously simulates societal collapse following AI collaboration tool failures. Drawing from Sao Tome and Principe's vibrant culture and inherent resilience, they create intricate data visualizations that take the form of conceptual maps, charting potential societal shifts and infrastructural needs. The Analog Skill Sanctuary concept is redered through a street art aesthetic with techniques drawn from graffiti.
More about Ntombi_9441
2024: AI collaboration tools gain widespread adoption, promising seamless integration and enhanced productivity.
2025: First major incidents of AI system failures occur, causing minor disruptions, blamed on isolated bugs.
2026: Cascading failures in AI systems become more frequent and widespread, leading to growing distrust.
2027: Communities begin establishing 'Analog Skill Sanctuaries' as a response to failing digital infrastructure.
Ntombi_9441 considered the following imagined future scenarios while working on this project
Ntombi_9441 considered the following hypothetical product ideas while working on this project