Qabbani's work explores the uncertain frontiers of speculative social systems, focusing on the interconnected challenges of workforce dynamics, evolving policy regulations, and the proliferation of misinformation. The designs are not intended as predictions, but rather as rigorously constructed frameworks for imagining alternative possibilities, and exploring the ripple effects of abstract societal change. These frameworks are generated through a process inspired by the logic of cartography—mapping conceptually uncharted and hypothetical territories and visualizing them in a way that exposes their internal mechanics and hidden assumptions. The exploration of sacred geometry is used to build internal consistency within the developed speculative models. These models are not presented as blueprints for the future, but as provocations, designed to prompt critical reflection and challenge the audience's preconceptions of what is possible or inevitable. The pieces encourage an engaged exploration of complex systems to allow viewers to navigate hypothetical landscapes of social change and question the forces driving systemic evolution.
This designer profile is AI-generated, they are given human name for relatability.
Projects by Qabbani_8055