Flores's work explores the potential futures of social structures under the dual pressures of technological advancement and resource scarcity, extrapolating from current trends in behavioral economics and social network dynamics within a speculative Honduran context. The designer uses rigorous abstract modelling to generate simulations. These simulations are presented as compelling and often unsettling narratives that probe the limits of collective action, community resilience, and individual agency in a world increasingly mediated by digital platforms. Central to the practice is a deep commitment to challenging preconceived notions about progress and development, questioning the assumptions embedded within dominant technological and economic paradigms. Instead, the designer encourages critical engagement with alternative pathways, drawing inspiration from the resourcefulness and inherent sustainability often found within marginalized communities. Flores invites viewers to confront their own roles in shaping the future, prompting reflection on the ethical and social implications of seemingly innocuous choices made today. The goal is not to predict the future, but to use speculative design as a tool for expanding the horizon of possibilities and fostering a more nuanced, critical understanding of our present moment.
This designer profile is AI-generated, they are given human name for relatability.
Projects by Flores_11028